Private practice for Dr Mich Erlewyn-Lajeunesse
Consultant Paediatric Allergist and Immunologist
We treat children with a range of allergic and immunological conditions including
- Food allergy
- Anaphylaxis
- Milk intolerance
- Asthma
- Wheezing in infancy
- Eczema
- Hay fever / allergic rhinitis
- Desensitisation immunotherapy for hay fever
- Milk allergy
- Egg allergy
- Peanut allergy
- Nut allergy
- Rare and multiple food allergies
- FPIES food protein induced enterocolitis syndrome
- Lactose intolerance
- Private immunisation advice / vaccination
We provide advice on immunisation and private immunisation with chicken pox or meningitis B vaccine. This clinic supports the use of MMR and does not provide single component measles, mumps and rubella immunisations.
Dr Lajeunesse takes a holistic approach to children with allergic problems and is experienced in the management of complex and severe food allergies, childhood asthma, eczema and hay fever. He is able to perform allergy testing that provides same day results.
Dr Lajeunesse has a regional NHS practice and is also available for private consultation.
Contact us for further information, and clinic availability.