How we use your information to provide you with healthcare
This practice keeps medical records confidential and complies with the General Data Protection Regulation.
We hold your medical record so that we can provide you with safe care and treatment.
We will also use your information so that this practice can check and review the quality of the care we provide. This helps us to improve our services to you.
We will share relevant information from your medical record with other health or social care staff or organisations when they provide you with care. For example, we will share information when they refer you to a specialist in a hospital. Or we will send details about your prescription to your chosen pharmacy.
For more information on how we share your information with organisations who are directly involved in your care can be found on Practice Privacy Notice (PPN).
You have the right to object to information being shared for your own care. Please speak to the practice if you wish to object. You also have the right to have any mistakes or errors corrected.
Other important information about how your information is used to provide you with healthcare:
Registering for private care with us
All patients are registered on our practice management system Cliniko ( ) and bookkeeping system ( We also invoice Private Medical Insurance (PMI) directly using Healthcode (
These systems hold your name, address, date of birth and other identifiable information to allow correct processing of your data. Cliniko also holds information about the care you receive. It is a web based medical record system.
Sometimes we need to share information so that other people, including healthcare staff, children or others with safeguarding needs, are protected from risk of harm.
These circumstances are rare.
We do not need your consent or agreement to do this.
We work in line with standard local NHS policies.
Practice Privacy Notice (PPN)
We are required by law to provide you with the following information about how we handle your information.
Data Controller contact details
Allergy Healthcare LimitedPO Box 345 Romsey SO51 1DA, UK
To give direct health care to individual patients.For example, when a patient agrees to a referral for direct care, such as to a hospital, relevant information about the patient will be shared with the other healthcare staff to enable them to give appropriate advice, investigations, treatments and/or care.To check and review the quality of care. (This is called audit and clinical governance).
Lawful basis for processing
These purposes are supported under the following sections of the GDPR:Article 6(1)(e) ‘…necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority…’; andArticle 9(2)(h)‘necessary for the purposes of preventative or occupational medicine for the assessment of the working capacity of the employee, medical diagnosis, the provision of health or social care or treatment or the management of health or social care systems and services…” Healthcare staff will also respect and comply with their obligations under the common law duty of confidence.
Recipient or categories of recipients of the processed data
The data will be shared with:healthcare professionals and staff in this practice;local hospitals where we work such as the Spire Southampton Hospital for patients seen on that site.diagnostic and treatment centres;or other organisations involved in the provision of direct care to individual patients.
Rights to object
You have the right to object to information being shared between those who are providing you with direct care.This may affect the care you receive – please speak to the practice.You are not able to object when information is legitimately shared for safeguarding reasons.In appropriate circumstances it is a legal and professional requirement to share information for safeguarding reasons. This is to protect people from harm.The information will be shared with the local safeguarding service
Right to access and correct
You have the right to access your medical record and have any errors or mistakes corrected. Please email us for further details or speak to one of the team.We are not aware of any circumstances in which you will have the right to delete correct information from your medical record; although you are free to obtain your own legal advice if you believe there is no lawful purpose for which we hold the information and contact us if you hold a different view.
You have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. If you wish to complain follow this link or call the helpline 0303 123 1113
Data we get from other organisations
We receive information about your health from other organisations who are involved in providing you with health and social care.For example, if you go to hospital for treatment or an operation the hospital may send us a letter to let us know what happens.